McNeely School Visit
Our first school visit of the 2016/2017 school year was at McNeely Elementary School in Richmond. We met with 7 primary classes to share our book, "The Rainbow Garden is My Friend", and our personal story.
Our book centers around the theme of fear and how to overcome it. We asked students about their fear and how they were able to get past it. The discussion quickly became exhilarating!
Students shared their fears which included fear of heights, bugs, the dark, an intimidating family member, or new places. We asked how they overcame these moments, which tied in nicely to the rest of our presentation and reading!
The school visit ended with the students having an opportunity to ask any pressing questions they have always wanted to ask an author or illustrator. We answered several questions about why we wrote the book, how we work as a team, what we do when we run into obstacles, and our plans for the future.
Thank you to the friendly librarian, staff, and students at McNeely! We had the most fantastic time!